The Official Golf Tournament of the Southern Heritage Classic

Memphis District Golf Classic

Memphis District Golf Classic

Memphis District Golf Classic

Memphis District Golf Classic

The Memphis District Golf Classic is the official golf tournament of the Southern Heritage Classic. Formerly known as the Ed “Too Tall Jones” Golf Classic, this new and exciting tournament offers a day of upscale golfing at Tunica Resorts in Tunica, MS. This resort is the signature destination for exceptional golf and is home to an 18-hole course that features Champion Bermuda greens, gently rolling zoysia fairways, tee boxes with six markers, and generous landing areas that both pros
and novice players can enjoy.
Sponsored by the Memphis District Laymen, proceeds from the tournament help provide summer golf activities to youth in at-risk communities. It is our duty to help youth see beyond their circumstances and environment by introducing them to beneficial opportunities that exist to create a brighter future. As they face life's challenges, we want them to know there is hope and help from people who care and that they are NOT alone.
Join us for a fun day of golf with great prizes, an awards luncheon with delicious food, and camaraderie for a great cause.